Peace on Earth

By Jade Henry
What does the Bible say about peace? "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace."
What does it mean to be peaceful? The noun peace means freedom from disturbance, tranquility. Peace is quiet and tranquility is a period or situation in which there are no active conflicts or wars. The tranquility you experience while lying on the sand at the beach on a warm summer day is an illustration of peace.
When expressing opinions, peaceful people do it concisely, clearly, and at a volume that doesn't make other people reach for earplugs. They do not get worked up over things they have no complete influence over, such as politics, sport outcomes, or the occasionally odd behavior of others.
Learn to make peace with yourself. Some simple ways you can start to make peace with yourself are as follows:
1. Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
2. Compliment yourself.
3. Give yourself time to relax.
4. Do something that makes you happy.
5. Be proud of who you are!
Now that you understand the meaning of peace, hopefully you can have peace within yourself and do something to celebrate International Day of Peace on September 21st. Peace.