What Does My Daddy Need To Be? That Is My Question.

By Jade Henry
Being a good father is a characteristic every father should possess. Some fathers grow up in households where their dad was there for them, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. While others grew up in homes where there was no father-figure; however, they found a father in family, friends, teachers, preachers, counselors, and coaches who became their “father-figure.” It is important for all children, male and female to have a loving father in their life.
What does it mean to be a GOOD father? Does it mean giving your child everything they want, letting them do anything or whatever they want, and letting them say anything that is offensive or disrespectful to others?
To me being a GOOD father means:
instructing your children right from wrong,
encouraging children to work to the best of their ability,
seeing that your children make wise decisions,
disciplining children always,
teaching children good manners, “thank you, please, etc.”
spending quality time with your children.
These are some qualities that define a GOOD father to me. Of course, there are many more characteristics of a good father.
Just ask your child, “What qualities do you want me to possess?” THAT IS THE QUESTION!
Then, Fathers, LISTEN and LEARN!