Unscripted By Keith Edmonds
FWIS Contributing Writer
Okay so you’re out of 2024 and all of the aches and pains of what did and didn’t happen in regard to the goals that you set for yourself this past year. I’m sure that if you’re like most of us you set clearly defined and reachable goals that you followed through on all the way to... that FIRST WEEK and then things started going downhill, right? I mean your intentions were honorable and you WANTED to do things like, lose weight, quit smoking, spend more time with family, eat healthier, and read more books, but something got in the way right? Have any idea what stopped you? May I suggest that it may have just been YOU! Now don’t get upset with me, it’s just an observation and surely not meant to criticize anyone that has set a goal and not followed through on it because there may have been some “extenuating circumstances” that got in the way for you. (Whew! I hope I got out of that one!) Every January 1st people set goals for things that they’d like to achieve during the next year. The problem or reason why they don’t accomplish them is they set Unrealistic Goals that are based on this All or Nothing principle which means they have set resolutions that demand perfection. For instance, you might decide to go to the gym five days a week, eat no sugar, or meditate every morning as a reachable goal for yourself, right? While these goals sound admirable, they leave no room for error. Miss one workout or indulge in untouchable desserts, and you feel like you’ve failed. So, what happens then? You derail the entire goal and go back to what feels comfortable and doesn’t put as much pressure on you to perform! Sounds like me for sure!
You abandon your goals because they are too hard to support! It needs a system! For instance, saying “I want to eat healthier” without a clear game plan–like stocking up on healthy groceries and making more time to cook–makes the goal difficult to achieve. Habits require structured cues and environmental changes if we want to make them automatic. I’m speaking to myself right here! Saying I want to cut back on sugars, and starches is something that I always say is a nominal goal for me right after I eat 6 slices of bread and a bowl of hot buttered rice! (Don’t you dare judge me lol!)
To get the desired results that you want when you set your goals, I think that you should ask yourself the question: “Why do I want to achieve this particular goal”? “What’s in it for me, and how hard am I willing to work at this goal”? Next, there must be allowances for when you don’t hit your marks that particular day or week and then move forward! Instead of trying to hit a grand slam in January, focus on small, manageable actions. For example, if you want to exercise more, commit to just 10 minutes a day to put less stress into your resolution madness! Small wins build momentum and confidence, which make long-term consistency to achieving your goals more attainable. Track your PROGRESS, not PERFECTION! Remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint! If you hit a roadblock that’s okay! Give yourself permission to adjust as it will only help you in the long run instead of giving up! Approach failure as feedback and not the end. It will help you build confidence towards those goals!
Another key is surrounding yourself with people who encourage your goals which can make a significant difference. Whether it’s joining a fitness class, finding an accountability buddy, or sharing your progress with a trusted friend, human connection strengthens commitment. Keep in mind, however, that support systems should empower you not shame you towards your goals. If a relationship feels toxic or defeating, it’s okay to step back. Have fun with chasing your goals and don’t put all of that pressure on yourself to be perfect! Remember, you don’t have to reinvent yourself, focus on building habits that yield long-term values. Change doesn’t happen overnight; it’s the result of consistent, self-compassionate effort. Decide what truly matters to you, start small, and give yourself permission to learn and adjust along the way. Now, get started on those New Year’s Resolutions and best of luck! Wish me luck too, right after I finish this last piece of sweet potato....um I mean, right after I finish this protein shake! (lol!)
Sources: Psychology Today