Healthy Tips & Lifestyle Habits for 2020

Healthy Tips & Lifestyle Habits for the New Year with Kelley Marvin, Certified Integrative Nutritionist
After battling her own health problems, like autoimmune, obesity and fatigue, she dove into learning how to teach others. Kelley completed a 12-month certification as a Holistic Health Coach as well as a certification as a Natural Health Professional and Drugless Practitioner.
She has helped many individuals and corporations with her programs, videos, and online classes.
Kelley and I sat down to discuss all things health as related to what we eat and what we drink. We even got into some “I am” statements about how you identify and define yourself when it comes to food habits or just healthy habits in general. Kelley has been on this journey herself for over eight years and it took a few drastic things to happen in her life for her to change her mind about her habits and to learn more about the things she was eating and where those things come from.
Kelley described levels of good, better, and best as it relates to food and drink choices getting started on the journey. We also discussed Mindset and Habits as a part of the journey to making healthier choices.
Kelley gave some tips on how to get started on being healthier:
Hydration/Water is SUPER important! Drink ½ your body weight in ounces daily as it helps to flush your system. When you wake up, you should immediately drink 8 oz. of water to get your system moving.
Reduce packaged and processed foods, seek whole clean food. Example: not apple juice or apple sauce but pick an apple, it’s the best choice.
Include raw fruits and veggies (uncooked) for fiber and nutrients.
Try not to eat at least two hours before going to bed.
Kelley also gave tips for those wanting go a little deeper and discover real lifestyle changes:Consider where the food comes from…what is the source? Quality over quantity.
Read the labels. If you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t eat it.
Find substitutes for staple products that you use all the time.
Ex: switch white flour to whole wheat flour, switch processed sugar for natural whole cane sugar or stevia.
Kelley and I ended our talk with the idea of starting to identify yourself in positive ways such as: I am a person who eats healthy, I am a person who exercises, I am a person who makes healthy choices.
Kelley is open to sharing and connecting with anyone who is interested! You can find her online at or on Facebook and Instagram. She would love to connect and support you as you set your goals for the new year and beyond. As an Integrative Nutritionist, she inspires people to utilize nutrition to enhance their energy, maintain a healthy weight and avoid chronic disease by teaching holistic principles related to clean eating, simple lifestyle modifications, and stress management.