Words to Eat by...Small Changes, with bigger rewards!

Words To Eat By...Nutrition Insight Designed for Readers to Discover, Inspire & Engage)
Small Changes, with bigger rewards!
by Chris Moore, MS RDN CC
2019 has just kicked off. And if I can be real, many resolutions have already been broken or forgotten. Typically, the list includes “eat healthy,” “quit smoking,” “lose weight,” “save money,” “exercise,” and so on. It’s been said that 35% of all resolutions are a thing of the past within the first thirty days and less than 25% will see fulfillment. That failure rate stems largely from having no real plan of action, unrealistic goals or being too zealous. Simply put, attempting too much too soon, and becoming overwhelmed.
The theme for National Nutrition month (2017) was put your best fork forward with the focus on small steps with the greatest rewards. Small changes can indeed transition into lifestyle change and eventually one becomes successful. Food choices can vary and are endless. The family nucleus can create even more challenges: children or not, gender, age, activity schedules, working or retired. These are all variables that can impact meal planning, eating schedules and, first and foremost, food preference. As I have mentioned in previous columns when it comes to food, it should be enjoyable and doable for a lifetime. And what works for one, does not for another.
Here’s my take and general advice for several common and less healthy practices, and small changes you can make that offer big rewards.
These are just a few favorable practices and alternatives that can transition into lifestyle changes with better health rewards. These alternatives can be personalized further for even more long term compliance. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Just find one for starters that speaks to you and go from there. If none of these are calling your name, figure out where you are most vulnerable. Small changes can yield benefits that can last a lifetime and keep you out of the failing 25%. Come on, pick one. You can beat the odds in 2019!
For additional resources and strategies log into www.choosemyplate.gov.
1. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, March 2017; A Year of MyPlate…p. 363 – 366.
2. Consumer Report, September 2018. Fruit and Veggie Superpowers.
3. Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 13th ed. Sizer and Whitney.