On the Summit’s Horizon: Chris Ford and The Sounds of Redemption

By Rev. Christopher W. Riley
FWIS Contributing Writer
“The mass choir is a place where all voices are blended together to make one sound. There are no superstars, it cuts down on competition because everyone is together for a common cause. The members are humble, teachable and interested in learning. Those who desire to sing can fit in without being the greatest singer. The choir offers a variety in voice and style, even the musicians are actually different. The mass choir brings everybody together like a family.” Said Lady Voncile Belcher, former lead singer of the Georgia Mass Choir’s mega hit, “Look Where He Brought Me From (AFRO News, The Black Media Authority, June 21, 2021)
This statement shared by Lady Voncile Belcher can definitely apply to Chris Ford and the Sounds of Redemption. Many of the members have been singing under the direction of Ford since the Fort Wayne Youth Ensemble which was established in the 1990’s and boasted over 200 young people. According to Ford, the choir was started when the National Baptist Youth Convention came to Fort Wayne and a citywide mass choir was needed. Sis. Bobbie Jackson asked me to lead the choir for this convention. After the convention was over the parents of the young people said, “You’ve got to keep this going.” Hence, the Fort Wayne Youth Ensemble was born and recently celebrated 30 years since its inception.
Fast forward to 2007 and Ford along with A. Terrence Brownlee were asked to form a “Community Choir” for a Black History Month Celebration by Pastor Carlton Lynch. The choir was developed for the celebration and once the service was over, Ford and Brownlee did not have any intention of establishing a new choir. However, the same statement was made again, “You’ve got to keep this going.” The Fort Wayne Community Choir was born with many of the former participants of the Fort Wayne Youth Ensemble and its young adult iteration, Power of Praise. As Ford and Brownlee began to lead this aggregation of local singers representing a variety of churches they were able to engage new residents of the Summit City who were not in town during the Fort Wayne Youth Ensemble and Power of Praise days.
After gaining notoriety and building a repertoire of the entire gamut of Gospel Music, from traditional to contemporary, the Fort Wayne Community Choir decided to change its name to Chris Ford and the Sounds of Redemption. The name change came after much prayer from the choir’s leadership and definitely provides a delineation from any other community choir in the city. The name change was needed for marketing and branding purposes according to Ford. Ford currently serves as the Marketing Manager for the Allen County Public Library.
When asked about the weight of his calling from God, Ford reflected that “it is huge to have God give me the same assignment twice in the same city. There is no doubt in my mind that I am doing what I am supposed to do for the Kingdom. I am honored to work with some of the same people over the last 30 plus years as well as new singers and musicians.”I am glad he chose me. He could have chosen anyone.”
Ford said that 2024 will bring new opportunities for the choir that includes a possible recording. “I would also like to do a documentary of my years in music ministry. I am grateful for the mentors and those who have supported me over the years going all the way back to the Heavenly Voices which was a sextet and would now be considered as a precursor to the modern-day praise team. Ford stated that we sang in the praise team format. “We were ahead of our time.”
Ford credits his parents the late Warren and Barbara Ford for his upbringing and making him the person he is today. We are products of our environments.”
Ford shared that his love of music came from his mother, whom many referred to as Mama Ford. Mama Ford directed the choir at Greater Progressive Baptist Church and I use to hold on to her skirt tail.
“I was able to watch my Mother’s love for music. She was my #1 mentor. I started directing the choir with the Sunshine Band. I had to stand on a wooden box.” Mother Ford was also known for her soul-stirring voice as a member of the Chosen Wonders.
“Our parents and caregivers help shape and mold us early on in life and influence who we become as adults.”
Follow Chris Ford and the Sounds of Redemption on Facebook and see video clippings from live performances. If you are interested in joining the choir, you can message the leadership team via Facebook and get rehearsal information.