On the Summit’s Horizon: George Hicks

By Rev. Christopher W. Riley
FWIS Contributing Writer
“Dr. King spoke on the back of my Grandfather’s pickup truck in Newbern, Alabama.” said, George Hicks, the newly elected President of the MLK Club, Inc. of Fort Wayne.
Hicks stands on the shoulders of his Grandfather, the late Tom Brown Hicks and others as he serves the community with passion and innovation.
Hicks is an example of servant leadership to the younger generation. Romeo Morris, 27, a local leader making a global impact who happens to be a graduate of South Side High School and Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia said, “I have had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Hicks in various spaces were his involvement has been impactful. Personally, I can attest that his impact derives from encouraging and enabling the spaces he is in to grow and see their potential. Mr. Hicks is both inspiring and motivating.”
Hicks’ heart for young people is shown as the Chair of the UNCF (United Negro College Fund) Leadership Council of Fort Wayne where the organization has been able to award scholarships and partner with corporations like Parkview Health to secure internships for these college students. Hicks was formerly the Chair (now Vice Chair) of the Euell A. Wilson Center which his involvement dates back to 2000.
Hicks is an Audit Management Consultant at Lincoln Financial Group where he has been employed since 1989. It was at Lincoln where he found his zeal for volunteerism and not-for-profit management. It was through Lincoln that he was introduced to the Euell Wilson opportunity. “I have lived the best of both worlds. I am a liaison between the company and the community. The experience in the money management industry has been invaluable as Hicks also volunteers with Junior Achievement who creates an awareness around financial literacy. His involvement has impacted over 1200 students at three different schools. His dedication to Junior Achievement resulted in him being recognized with the Golden Achievement Award for Excellence in Economic Education in 2017.
“I am intentional about being involved in youth serving agencies and I am excited about God using me in this capacity,” said Hicks.
Previously, he served on the board of The Fort Wayne Rescue Mission for 10 years as chaplain, vice chair, and secretary. He was also an inaugural member of the Fort Wayne United Tie Day Mentoring Program.
When asked about the opportunity to serve as the third President of the MLK Club Inc. of Fort Wayne. “Dr. King had a vision and sacrificed his life so that others can have an opportunity. We look to engage others as we move the MLK Club forward. It is a team effort. Succession plans will be implemented to ensure sustainability in the future.”
The Hicks Family collectively believes that servant leadership is paramount to a successful community. Hicks’ wife of 30 years, Carmen would accompany him to several of the functions sponsored by the not-for-profits that he supported. She began to get involved and use her entrepreneurial spirit and innate sales gifting to benefit the organizations and the community at-large. Carmen Hicks is the owner of Hicks Monuments and More which specializes in funeral merchandise to families in their time of need and recently celebrated their 10th anniversary in the Summit City. The Hicks Couple’s mantra is to discourage families from emotional overspending during the bereavement period. “We want the products and services to be affordable and to be true people of God with integrity,” said George Hicks. Carmen is also a life insurance agent and funeral pre-planning specialist.
The zeal for servant leadership has been passed on to the next generation. Hicks’ youngest daughter, singer/songwriter Christiana Danielle, who was a Top 10 Finalist in the 14th Season of NBC’s The Voice (2018) recently coordinated a fundraiser for the Euell A. Wilson Youth Center in conjunction with the Fort Wayne Children’s Choir. The event yielded an attendance of over 200. “We support each other’s ventures and look for opportunities to serve together. We look forward to continuing our service to the community,” said George Hicks.
George Hicks is the associate pastor of New Zion Tabernacle under the leadership of Bishop Crystal Thomas. Hicks shared that his wife, Carmen, who he credits as being his best friend, encouraged him to visit New Zion when they were looking for a church home. He stated that he wasn’t going to go and once he decided to go he said, I am not going to join. After attending the first service, he asked his wife to write the tithe check to this ministry. They have been there every since. “God positioned me to sit in the seat of the learner,” said Hicks.
Hicks shared that he has been reading Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly and shares these nuggets of wisdom:
“Decide to be the difference that makes the difference”
“Be a light for others” Decide to light a candle rather than curse the darkness”
Share the visions of the Holy Moments far and wide.”
When asked what is next for George Hicks? “I am beginning to dream more; the best is yet to come. I want to take a deeper-dive in to what it looks like. God has given me dreams in the past. I want to spend time with God and seek him like never before and truly understand what God has for me.”
Leading the MLK Club is part of what God has for me.” In 2020, the Governor appointed Hicks to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indiana Holiday Commission. Hicks succeeds Bennie Edwards who served as President for 16 years and retired from the U.S. Army as a command sergeant major after serving 30 years. Edwards will remain on the board and coaching and continuity as needed as the organization continues to grow and execute its mission to promote and honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through community activism, youth engagement and multicultural educational activities, according to a news release. In 2022, Edwards received the Chairman’s Award from the Indiana Civil Rights Commission for his commitment and leadership.
January 18, 1986 was the first year that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday was observed as a National Holiday. The third Monday of January was selected in accordance with the Uniform Act of 1968 which guarantees a long weekend for workers. The initial legislation was signed in 1984 by 39th President Ronald Reagan. In 1994 41st President Bill Clinton signed the King Holiday for Service Act to encourage “acts of civic work and community service to honor the legacy of the slain civil rights leader.
January 18, 1986 was also a Groundbreaking Day in Fort Wayne, Indiana as the first Unity Day Celebration was held at the iconic Links Wonderland with the vision of the Late Glyn Gleason who Hicks describes as a great visionary and gentle-giant of a leader. Thirty-Eight years later the Unity Day Celebration has become one of the largest MLK Observances in the state of Indiana. The MLK Club, Inc. produces other events throughout the year. For example, Dr. Martin Luther King Legacy Breakfast, Educational Civil Rights Tours and Santa on Tour Christmas Program. The Club is also open to collaborations with other community-based organizations. For more information, you can contact the club via e-mail: mlkoperations2019@gmail.com.