Rev. Stewart Speaks! - Write the Vision

By Rev. Dr. Lakeya Stewart
FWIS Contributing Writer
Habakkuk 2:2 says to, “Write the vision and make it plain.” At the start of a New Year, people often make lofty goals that have not been thought through. There are times when we set goals based on our emotions and not after first seeking God’s will. The goals often sound nice and attainable but without a plan and first seeking God, many of us fall short of seeing our goals fulfilled. The New Year is here and many of us need accountability, I can speak for myself on this one!
I find it helpful to share my goals in confidence with some trusted friends. It may be a text message or a written plan that I email them. The reason i , is to provide accountability. If someone else can partner with me, the seemingly insurmountable task seems a bit more achievable.
Now, to be clear, there have been times when I have not had that friend to lean on. There have been times when those friends I had once trusted and confided in turned their backs on me or walked away. I was left feeling alone, until my husband or someone else I trusted whom I hadn’ta confided in, reminds me that I have a friend in Jesus who will never leave me. In moments like these, I find myself journaling, writing on my prayer wall or even creating a vision board to creatively display my goals for the year. I strategically place my vision board in my home office to be a daily reminder of the goals I have set.
We can all make excuses this year about how we cannot reach our goals. The reality is, that we can accomplish so much through Christ. When we are weak, when we have few friends, and when our family is nowhere in sight, we can be reminded that we have a Savior, we have a friend, and we have a God that walks with us. His words tell us to write the vision and to make it plain. This year, I challenge you to write out your goal and visions and watch them come to pass. I am rooting for you!