On the Summit City’s Horizon: Our Neutral Voices

By Rev. Christopher W. Riley
FWIS Contributing Writer
“God laid a vision on my heart and the work of writing the vision and making it plain began.” Local Entrepreneur and Fort Wayne Native, James Scott.
After several discussions with William “Will” Curry, pastor of Sanctuary for New Beginnings Church and recently appointed lead chaplain for the Allen County Jail they discovered similar visions for Southeast Fort Wayne.
Our Neutral Voices was born!
ONV’s Vision: We envision our community becoming a beacon where every man, woman, and child has an opportunity to thrive as they live out their inherent value and purpose.
As Scott and Curry began to write the vision, they asked the questions, what do we need to establish relevance? How do we make a difference? They began answering these questions, developing the organization, and identifying hope along with needed resources being essential to the identity of Our Neutral Voices. A living, breathing organism not just an organization.
“United to help one another, a hand up and not a hand out. For Us, By Us, Through Us.” said Curry.
ONV’s Mission: To transform the future of Greater Fort Wayne by inspiring a community encompassing effort to liberate and empower our community.
A board of directors was developed and leaders of the Five Pillars which serve as the Heartbeat of ONV were identified. The Five Pillars: Spiritual, Mental Health, Education/Arts, Financial and Sports. Each Leader hosts a Podcast that focuses on topics within the Pillar. The Podcasts are produced under the auspices of Neutral Voices Media Group and air on Facebook and Youtube. “It is our goal to keep the organization non-personality driven. We must focus on the community,” said Curry.
According to Scott and Curry, the biggest challenge has been getting the word out. ONV is designed to serve the community with the principles we stand on, God, consistency, and transparency which creates trust. We want everyone to see the organization as not another not-for-profit. “We are your neighbors in the neighborhood and not just individuals in the community!!!”
“Come alongside and help us,” said Curry.
ONV Call to Action:
We want to ask all communities, 501, and for-profit with a like-minded heart to connect with O.N.V. Let us see how we can collaborate and work together. The changes the majority want to see are way bigger than one entity or community to overcome. It is of great need that we work together strategically to change the trajectory of our tomorrow!
Be encouraged right where you are and trust the process of life. God will never forsake his children. We have to make the decision to do what has to be done to make the difference.
My Brothers and Sisters the time is now!!!!!
For more information or to get involved in Our Neutral Voices, Info@ourneutralvoices.org; (260)348-5785.