Rev. Stewart Speaks!- It’s Time To Move

By Rev LaKeya Stewart
FWIS Contributing Writer
I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and I went by the post of a friend, minister Carlie. I do NOT have a green thumb but I have always wanted to try. Her post intrigued me. In her Facebook post, she shared about a plant which was doing well in its initial pot. She stated it was healthy and growing well, however, it outgrew its initial season (environment). Minister Carlie stated “because I didn’t move her when I should have, now she’s growing crooked, falling over, and if I don’t change her environment, she’ll probably kick the bucket.” I read this post and just about screamed. This is so true.
For some of us, we may be uncertain of when it is time to re-plant our plants in our homes; however, on a spiritual note, the Holy Spirit leads us in these moments. Have you ever been in a job that once fit your skill set but you later felt your job stifled your growth and did not have room for advancement? It’s like you are trying to limit who you are to fit a role when God has created you for much more. It takes courage to step out and apply for another job that might fit your unique skill set. One must leave the comfort and familiarity of co-workers, the physical building, the complacency of routine in exchange for newness, for making new friends, and for uncertainty.
We often forget that the gifts God gives us go with us. It’s like a modular home that can be moved even if it once appeared to be settled on a firm foundation. All of it has the ability to relocate. Who you are in God, should not change even when people and places do.
Oftentimes we confuse temporary assignments with permanent placements. When God tells us to hide his Word in our hearts so that we do not sin against him, He meant it. God’s Word stays with us, even when our ministry assignments, our jobs, some relationships and even homes change.
Some of us have been stuck in a place where we were not intended to stay. If a plant needs light to grow and we are stuck in a dark place, we can’t expect God to grow us. We have to be in a position to receive the light. You can’t get it until you intentionally move. God can speak into your situation and when He says “Let there be light” darkness has to dissipate. It has to go away.
The good thing about God is that He gives us free will. So, if you choose to stay in the darkness, that’s your business, as Tabatha Brown would say. I want to encourage you to “Walk in the light, beautiful light”, because where God leads us there is life. No need to die a spiritual death in this next season, the key is to heed the voice of the Lord and to listen for that still small voice when it says, “It’s time to move”. Be blessed - Rev. Stewart