Rev. Stewart Speaks! Make Room for New

By Rev. LaKeya Stewart
FWIS Contributing Writer
I have a problem…. I love to shop. My closet is literally bursting at the seams. There is no room for anything new to come in. I use to laugh when people would ask if I was shopping again, but recently I have realized that it has become a problem. Can you relate?
It is really hard for me to let things go. This is even more so true now after the pandemic. Having the stockpile of toilet proved to be important during the pandemic and it fed my rationale that I needed to hoard more items. Am I really trusting God to supply all of my needs if I am holding on to all that I need?
Recently I took my shopping problem to the Lord in prayer. I left that prayer moved to tears. You see, God showed me that he has more for me but that I have no room for more. I immediately thought of the song Make Room by Jonathan Mcreynolds and the lyrics that say, “I find space for what I treasure”. It was as if God was telling me that he had more in store for me but that I needed to clean out my closet to make room for that new.
Yes, I do have a clothing problem, but I believe there are some spiritual implications as well. As believers, we should find time to examine ourselves to see if we possess any character or trait that is not pleasing to God. Once we examine ourselves, we cannot be afraid to purge and mortify our worldly thoughts and ways of doing things. God desires that we show forth the fruit of the spirit which can be found in Galatians 5:22-23 including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
As the natural seasons are changing, the weather is warming up, I want to encourage you, as I encourage myself, to make room for new. Let us examine ourselves and put off anything that is not pleasing to God. Our desire as believers should be to surrender our will for the will of the Father. I want to be in His will and I want to make room for the new God wants to give me. Will you make room for your new?
Be Blessed.- Rev. Stewart