Empty Me

Rev. LaKeya Stewart
Ink Spot Contributing Writer
Fill me up Lord! Lately I have found myself pouring out to so many. I can’t seem to understand how and why God uses certain people. I certainly wonder why God chooses to use little old me. In prayer, God showed me that all he needs is a willing vessel. God doesn’t need a person with a title to bless others, but He certainly can. God can use any person at any time for his purpose if we make room for him to work.
I have spent some time praying and fasting so that I can form a deeper connection with God. Through this, I realized that I have been full of myself, the pressures of family life, work, social media, and life in general that it became difficult for me to hear God clearly. I decided that I needed to eliminate some distractions in order to grow closer to God.
Since I have eliminated some things from my life, I have been able to receive more from God. Humility has been key. In this fast-paced world, being busy is often seen as successful. The Lord is challenging me in this season to find contentment in just being. I find that when I just “am” God is.
God is my everything… as believers in Christ, we must make room for Christ in our lives. In my short life, I have learned that God sometimes uses unlikely people to bless us. Simply said, we cannot be so full of ourselves that we deny the opportunity for God to use someone else to fill our cup.
Now, I am not suggesting that we walk around half empty and broken, but I am suggesting that we are not so full of ourselves that we can’t receive from God or others.
I am challenging myself and I challenge you to not be so immersed in our own philosophies that God cannot speak into or move in our situations. Many of us have allowed the cares of the world, our problems, and our concerns to bog us down but God is reminding us that He provides rest for the weary. He gives hope to the hopeless. He is a friend to the friendless. Let God fill you up and pray this prayer with me: Lord, Empty me.
Be blessed.