Loose Grapes

Rev. LaKeya Stewart
Ink Spot Contributing Writer
Anybody like loose grapes? The other week I was packing grapes for my children to take to school with their lunch. I found myself grabbing the grapes that were not connected to the vine first. Those loose gapes were still firm, but I figured they would be the first to wither and waste away if they were not packed away in their lunch. Which grapes do you grab first?
As I reflected on these grapes, something hit me…. Life can be sustained when we are connected to the vine. John 15:15 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” When we are connected to the true vine, Jesus Christ, we are sustained by the life-giving nutrients that are supplied to us via that vine. When we are connected to the vine, we can be assured of life. Without being connected to the vine, the branches become useless, powerless and lifeless.
Loose grapes need to be eaten first. They have been disconnected from the vine. The vine provides nourishment and support. The vine in our society today is our church. The church and its members offer hope, support and spiritual direction for those seeking Christ. When members are lost and have wandered away from not only the church but from the faith, they become like loose grapes. They will be eaten or devoured first by the enemy because it is known that they will wither away quicker than those connected to the vine.
I encourage my children to go after the loose grapes when they want a snack. In the same way, I want to encourage churches to seek out the loose grapes in our communities. These people need to be connected to something life-sustaining and nourishing. That nourishment and sustenance can be found in the person of Jesus Christ. He is our true vine. Be blessed.