To Give or To Receive

By Jade Henry
FWIS Youth Writer
“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak. It is more blessed to give than to receive.'” Acts 20:35.
When the holidays come around, most people tend to put all of their attention and focus on their list(s) and what they will receive from others. To understand and appreciate the full meaning of Christmas is to give and not receive. Instead of wishing to receive more things, think of ways in which you can bless someone else. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on things, think about how you can volunteer to spread good cheer.
Material things are nice but the real reason for the season is to think about the love that we have for our family and friends and sharing God's word. It is important to let others know that Jesus has died on the cross for our sins so that we could be saved. That is why we celebrate Christmas! Christmas is about giving, not receiving.
Some ways that we can be of good cheer and show that we care about giving rather than receiving are:
1) Fill community food containers with canned goods
2) Volunteer at a facility to serve food
3) Donate winter clothing to a charity or organization
4) Make holiday ornaments and take them to the residents at a nursing home or children’s hospital
5) Purchase gift cards and distribute to people in need
This holiday season, think about how fortunate you already are. Giving is an act of worship, it is better to give than to receive. Giving is the highest form of worship because it not only draws us into the life of community and away from selfishness, but it also imitates Christ and awakens us to God's mission in the world.