Music Lover’s Lounge ALL WHITE PARTY September 1, 2018

Last year’s Music Lover’s Lounge (MLL) at Parkview Field served as kind of a trial run. “Last year, the turnout was really good,” DJ Barrage (Tray Brookshire) said of the event held July 4th weekend, but “the only downside was [the heat].”
For the event tonight, DJ Barrage and DJ Polaris (Ghani Zahir) moved the start time back one hour and two months away from one of the city’s hottest months.
For the first time ever for a MLL event, outside of their New Year’s Eve party, the deejays had time to develop a theme.
The Music Lover’s Lounge ALL WHITE PARTY will drop tonight, September 1, 2018 (Labor Day Weekend) at the Parkview Field Amphitheater, 1301 Ewing Street, from 7 P.M. to 11 P.M.
General admission is $15.00.
Like last year, Angel, from Halo Media and formerly of B96.9 FM, will host and Odom Security will again be providing security services.
“We are big on safety, big on people feeling comfortable,” DJ Polaris said.
White attire is encouraged but not required.
The Facebook numbers for the ALL WHITE PARTY have looked strong so far. “The interest is very high. I’ve never seen the numbers this high for anything we’ve done, other than for Heart and Soul,” DJ Polaris said.
MLL has been without an official month-to-month home for the better part of the year. But the deejays have always been independent-minded. It was a couple years back that MLL took a serious break and stopped hosting their monthly get down altogether.
When they were at the now closed CS3, the guys changed gears and hosted MLL on the patio. “Even just being on the patio, you got the breeze and the fresh air, literally and figuratively, made the atmosphere different,” DJ Barrage said.
Plans are in place for an alternative location at Parkview, under the concourse, if it rains. But if the rain turns to lightning or a hailstorm, and this goes without saying, they gonna shut it down.
The ALL WHITE PARTY represents another milestone for the deejays. “We put in a lot of work, not just this event,” DJ Polaris said, “but over the past six, seven years.”