UNSCRIPTED: Let’s See What Develops on this “JOURNEY”

By Keith Edmonds FWIS Contributing Writer
Being a photographer consists of more than just taking pictures. A seasoned photographer can not only capture a moment but frame it in such a way that makes those of us viewing the picture have a sense of “being in that moment” with them, almost as if we’d taken the picture ourselves. I’d like to share with you Journey Brewer, a young lady in our community that is a rising star in the world of photography with talents that may be unmatched in this part of Indiana. The views and moments that come from her lens covering our high school sports athletes, leaves you asking yourself “Was I there, or does the picture capture things so well, that it made me THINK that I was there?” I recently had the opportunity to spend a few moments with her discussing her passion for what she does on todays UNSCRIPTED.
UNSCRIPTED: Welcome to UNSCRIPTED Journey! Share with us a little bit about your background before we get into the meat of this story.
JOURNEY: “Well, I’m a Fort Wayne native and attended Canterbury Schools from K-12. I’m currently a teacher which is something that I never thought that I’d do as I have a heart for ministry and was leaning heavily towards being a missionary because for a long time, I felt that this was my calling, but obviously God had other plans. I’m so glad happy that I’m a special education teacher because I love our kids and community. Working in the SPED (special education) field allows me to work with a marginalized group of young people which brings me joy daily.”
UNSCRIPTED: Those of us that have met you from a distance have no idea that though you’re known by many of us for one thing, that area is NOT your full-time job. Share with us, why teaching became such a passion for you.
JOURNEY: “To be honest, I don’t know why, as this kind of fell into my lap. Before becoming a SPED teacher, I was working in the pre-school area and though I knew that I loved kids, working with that age group was something that I knew would not be sustaining for me (lol). Then I thought to myself, “well how about giving middle school a try” so I went back and got my master’s degree to teach in the middle school special education field (In FWCS) and I never looked back”!
UNSCRIPTED: So, if I may switch gears for a moment, where did this impetus for being a photographer come from?
JOURNEY: “So my uncle was a landscape, portrait, evening photographer so initially, that’s what sparked my interest. Even though he passed when I was young, I always remember him having camera equipment with him. I decided to take a photography class in high school and really liked it! We got to work with some of the old “flash” photography stuff and I remember that being so cool to think how far technology has come since then. I began taking pictures of my friends that were in athletics and stuck with it not knowing that it would provide so many opportunities and it has taken me so many places today.”
UNSCRIPTED: You mentioned athletes in your last answer, so my question is: Why have you chosen athletics to be a major part of your photography interest and not some other area? Does it stem from your being a former athlete or some other reason?
JOURNEY: “Yes, I’m a former basketball player and played until my 10th grade school year but unfortunately had to quit due to my mom having cancer. I quit and began working to help around the house. With that being said, I feel that when you’re an athlete, those qualities/attributes, and the teammate trust that you build, never leave you. I really love how fast paced being around sports is!”
UNSCRIPTED: So, it’s GAME NIGHT in Fort Wayne and you have all these options to choose from as far as a game to attend. How do you decide where you’ll be that night?
JOURNEY: “Okay, so I have this huge calendar of athletic events that I can choose from on any given night, and I decide by whatever the BIG game is on that night, or I look for where the athletes that I’ve built a special relationship with over the years are playing. I’m not sure if it’s a system, but in all honesty, I could be out every night of the week if I chose to do so.”
UNSCRIPTED: I’ve gotten to know you a little bit and know that your faith is particularly important to you. How has that helped in your growth and maturity as a teacher and photographer?
JOURNEY: “I know that without God I could do nothing. The moment that I encountered God was when I was on a mission’s trip in the Appalachian Mountains in middle school and had never met with him in that manner. Because of my relationship with him, I’ve been able to meet some incredible people in my life including my husband who supports me 100% in what I do!”
UNSCRIPTED: Let’s end with this: What makes Journey Brewer…
SMILE? “Seeing kids that I work with succeed. Whether it’s in athletics or in the classroom, just watching them be able to live out their dreams is awesome for me!”
LAUGH? “Just the silly things that kids do! Even though they may be this world class athlete, they’re still kids and like to be themselves sometimes and not have to live up to all these expectations that people have of them.”
CRY? “Seeing how social media can tear down a kid and watching them crumble because of it hurts my heart. Seeing them upset because they’re not getting enough playing time hurts me too. A kid’s self-esteem being ruined can be devastating to watch them go through as well.”