Ink Notes 9-15-22

14th Annual Safety Fair to be held September 24th
September is national safety and preparedness month and this year’s Safety Fair is right around the corner. This free, family event will be held at the Public Safety Academy. This year’s event will have over 40 booths and displays including fire and police vehicles, ambulances, hands on activities and games about safety. Families can visit Safety Village, the Survive Alive Trailer and Lutheran Air.
Learn how to prepare for emergencies and to be safe on our trails, in watercraft and other recreational vehicles like bikes, motorcycles and ATVs. Find out information on disposing of hazardous household waste and expired medications and what to do in an emergency when needing to call 9-1-1.
Do you know what to do if you are being bullied? What if it involves the internet? Do you know how to defend yourself if someone approaches you unwillingly? Do your child’s car seats need to be checked to be sure they are properly installed in the vehicle and do you know how to program your weather radio? These are all things that you can learn at the Safety Fair.
In its 14th year, the Allen County Safety Fair presented by ProFed and Lutheran Health Network, has grown into a full scale event to help prepare families for the unexpected. The event will be from 10:00AM-1:00 PM at the Public Safety Academy located at 7602 Patriot Crossing, Fort Wayne IN 46816 (behind Walmart and Menards) on September 24th. The event is sponsored by Servpro, WANE-15 and WBCL 90.3, the City of Fort Wayne and Fort Wayne Police Department.
Additional information regarding National Preparedness month can be found through FEMA National Preparedness Month 2021 Theme – A Lasting Legacy.
Ending the Silence Event
This is a FREE, evidence-based, 50-minute session designed by NAMI for middle and high school students. Your students will learn about mental health conditions through a brief presentation, short videos, and personal testimony from a young adult who describes their journey to recovery! This event will be in English and Spanish!
It is time to end the silence and break the stigma! We are empowering middle/high school youth to End the Silence and talk about mental health. We are asking for you to pre-register your youth for this event. It takes us as a community coming together to speak and no longer be silent.
Deadline to register is October 15! All youth will receive a FREE T- Shirt!
There will be special Music selections by Jensen Music and Jacob's Well Band
Downtown Library 900 Library Plaza
October 22, 2022, From 1PM to 4PM
(Library THEATER)
*** If there are more than 5 Youth interested in attending, please download additional forms as needed and fill out.
Please feel free to contact:
Natasha Andrews at:
NAMI Fort Wayne is the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
As the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization, we are dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI works to inspire a move away from illness, stigma, and ignorance, toward brighter days filled with hope, health, and recovery.
Greater Fort Wayne Pan-Hellenic Council
The Greater Fort Wayne Pan-Hellenic Council was excited to host its memorable Greek Nik 2022! This was our first collaborative picnic since our charter, April 19, 2020.
In 2017, representatives of our local Greek organizations began the planning process for its first Greek Nik in Foster Park. The turnout was favorable and we knew that it was something we would do again!
In 2019, the same representatives planned for another Greek Nik in August in McMillen Park. The Tug -o -War competition amongst the fraternities and sororities proved to be a highlight of this fun, family event.
On Saturday, August 27, 2022, officially established as the Greater Fort Wayne NPHC, was successful in hosting the Divine 9 and their families. McMillen Park was our host location where 100 people gathered for a day of fun in the sun! What a pleasant surprise to be in the company of our Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. brothers who traveled from South Bend, IN. With them being present, we had a total of four sororities and four fraternities who celebrated the day with us. With God's sunshine, official Greek Nik DJ, Clifford Clarke, delicious BBQ with all the fixins, and family fellowship made the day unforgettable!
We look forward to not only next years Greek Nik, but doing and being of service in our local community.
Follow us on Facebook (Greater FW NPHC) for future fundraisers and events.