Ink Notes 8-18-22

She did it again!
For the second time in her pageant competition career, Cydney Bridges is Miss Fort Wayne. She initially won in 2019 and held the title for almost 2 years due to the pandemic and now is the new title holder for 2023 season. She will compete for Miss Indiana in June 2023. Her social impact platform is: The Power of Mentoring. She will be around town making appearances all year. To get in touch with her for an appearance please contact Miss Fort Wayne Director Kim McCutchin on the Miss Fort Wayne Facebook page or at or email at
Unified Developments
Unified Developments is a new company focused on Economic Sustainability in Under-Engaged Communities (UECs). When referring to the community they choose to refrain from calling us “under-resourced” as they believe we have an abundance of resources but tend to be under-engaged hence the term Under-Engaged Communities. Unified Developments (UD) is made up of four partners: CEO and Founder Chip Clark, COO Andre Beasley, Jamal Robinson, and Davyd Jones. Their vision is simple “We bring communities with us the catalyze a path the economic sustainability in UECs. Their work is anything but simple; leveraging Catalytic Capital (Relationships, Expertise, and currency) to impact economic development in UECs. With a focus on Economic Development and Real Estate, the UD team looks forward to engaging the business community in UECs. Clark admits that while this vision is exciting it will take time to achieve its intended outcome, but we are engaging the business community now. Presenting events designed to Engage, Educate, and Empower Businesses in UECs, Unified Developments presents “Mind Your Business” the mini-conference on September 27th from 5:30 – 8:30 at The Summit. Registration is open now and is only $50. Participants will hear from some of the most successful business professionals in the community, learn everything from business execution to customer service, receive door prizes, and have the opportunity to pitch their business.
For more information or to attend a session, contact the group at:
A Day of Appreciation
On Saturday, August 20 from 1-4pm there will be a Day of Appreciation event held at Brownlee and Sons Market. Located at 613 Oxford street, the market has been serving our community for years. Please stop by and support!
Block Party... games ... food... music... raffle... come to have FUN FUN FUN we are accepting donations. COME ONE COME ALL!
Annual Open Streets Event
On August 7, 2022 from 12-4 p.m., Fort Wayne hosted its 5th Annual Open Streets! A car-free Calhoun Street opened more than two miles of roadway to walking, biking, rollerblading and numerous activities. The route is 25 blocks stretching from Promenade Park to Pontiac Street. While Open Streets encourages active transportation, such as walking and cycling, it also encourages CONNECTION with the central business district, and with its surrounding neighborhoods. The PENTA Center LLC at 2513 S. Calhoun Street and the businesses that occupy (1st Source, Fort Wayne Ink Spot, MLK Club, NAACP, Jays Essential Touch, & Heart2Soul Counseling) also shared with the community the services that they provide. FREE hot dogs, hamburgers (beef and vegan), along with cold drinks were provided from the Penta Center LLC, as a thank you to the community for its continued support.