Ink Notes 7-7-22

Allen County Commissioners
The commissioners of Allen County have been challenged with an order from a judge to improve the conditions of the current jail and have been given an order to build a new jail. The proposal is to build a new jail that will cost at least $350 million dollars and be built on 60 acres of land. Elevatus Architecture Firm has already been hired to work on the design.
Meetings with local Allen County Commissioners have been ongoing to meet the deadlines of this judge's order.
Help Not Handcuffs
A coalition of people from different organizations and public community interests, identified as, Help Not Handcuffs, is working to arrest the development of this project. Help Not Handcuffs has met with these commissioners and have expressed their concerns. They invite interested persons to the next Jail Coalition Building meeting on Sunday, July 17th from 5-7PM, at the Urban League. Fort Wayne Ink Spot plans to actively be involved and will keep you updated with the future developments of this project.
Sharon Tubbs
Congrats to one of our own writers-Sharon Tubbs on her newly released book Possess It- It’s Already Yours in which she gives us 10 principles to embrace God's will for your life.
When we grow up spiritually, we accept that God does allow struggles in our lives but that He also leads us to victory. If we continue to fight and keep our minds focused on Him every step of the way, we will seize our land.
Find out how God wants to see you grow:
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Sharon K. Grimes Memorial Scholarship
The 2022 Iota Chi Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Sharon K. Grimes Memorial Scholarship recipient is JaKayla Shyelle Rich. JaKayla graduated from Northrop HS with a 4.3 GPA and fifth in her class. Honors that have been bestowed upon her are, but not limited to, Distinguished Scholar, Scholar Athlete, Scholastics Silver Key and Gold Key, Schaefer Community Service Award, Mental Attitude Award, and the St. Francis Art Award.
As a well-rounded individual, she has participated in numerous extracurricular activities including cheerleading, Pave the Path, Senior Mentor, FWCS Superintendent Advisory Board, and Advisor Broad Based Planning Committee as a student member. Although she stays busy with many activities, she still makes time to be a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters and was named the Salvation Army Queen of Charities.
Her role model is her mother, who has instilled in JaKayla a “6 Point Plan” for success, which includes getting good grades, taking part of extracurricular activities, finding a trade, working harder and not smarter, staying out of trouble, and being kind.
JaKayla will be attending Indiana University, Bloomington, IN this summer through the Groups program with a major in math and minor in a foreign language. She is planning to be an Actuary in the future.