Utopian Community Grocery’s Second Open House When: February 29, 2020

Featured in Issue 3 of the Fort Wayne Ink Spot, The Utopian Community Grocery, soon to be located at 608 Oxford St., held its second open house in two weeks on February 29. Visitors got a sneak peek at the store's layout along with prizes and giveaways during the membership drive. The mission of the new grocery is to bring nutritious, organic healthy food to the south side of Fort Wayne at competitive prices by collaborating with local suppliers, farmers and distributors.
The Utopian Community Grocery is here to "turn your food desert into an oasis" by increasing access to affordable fresh fruits and vegetables, educating the community about the benefits of healthy foods and bridging the farm-to-table gap. Ty Simmons, one of the store's founders, hopes the grocery will open April 1, 2020. The store will be open to the public but monthly memberships starting at $5 offer 10-30% off purchases.
Learn more about the Utopian Community Grocery on Facebook.