In Touch With Opinions, Facts, and Knowledge

By Betty Miller Buttram
FWIS Contributing Writer
Our lives have become saturated with so much information with the invention of television, radio, and social media so much so that it has become challenging. These challenges have placed us in all kinds of physical, mental, and spiritual behaviors. We are in danger of losing ourselves in this enormous dissemination of reporting information distributors. We have been assailed by misinformation, unrest, lies, and politics. Our attention span has been diminished as we have gone about the busyness of our everyday lives.
For the past eight years, we have been mucked in this sea of so much information that it has caused us to spin in all different directions. So, what do we do to plant our feet on solid ground to stop this spinning of people opinions and facts, and try to gain some knowledge about what is happening today?
Social media can serve as a purpose of wisdom especially when family and friends send thought provoking messages through its channels of communication. I would like to share with you some of these thoughtful messages.
George Washington Carver has been credited with this offering of wisdom: “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of those who are weaker than you because someday, you will be all of these.”
All of us will age for we cannot stay young forever. Old folks have wisdom; you just need a little patience with them because they can teach you a few things. You do not push them aside because you feel that their usefulness has been diminished.
Another thoughtful message: “When you are gifted and anointed, Satan will personally assign someone to bring you down just so your gift and anointing won’t manifest. But the enemy cannot kill what God has anointed to live. He cannot stop who God has chosen to prosper, and he cannot block what is called to manifest.” Leaders are needed to guide the people in positive directions, not corrupt directions. It is not an easy task because Satan is right behind that person spilling out distrust and dishonesty about a leader’s character. You cannot be in leadership and be nasty to folks and expect to be respected because of your title. A strong leader survives despite Satan’s interference. It is the good content of a leader’s character that will defeat Satan.
Booker T. Washington is quoted as saying: “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.” Liars come to us clothed in a Satan’s disguise that conceals their identity or appearance. There is one thing that we can do when confronted with a lie…before we assume anything that is said, learn the facts. Do not make a judgmental decision without understanding why.
At this time in the making of American history, we, the people, should be concerned about our future. Listen and hear what is being discussed; take the time to do that because it is extremely important in making the right decision.
If any of you have seen the movie, “Ghost,” there was a scene in the picture with Whoopi Goldberg and Demi Moore. Evil was coming for Demi and Whoopi said to her, “You’re in danger, girl.” We are in danger, folks; stay woke.