In Touch With Clutter

By Betty Miller Buttram
FWIS Contributing Writer
Sometimes there can be a situation that is confusing and full of difficulties. This can be defined as a Mess. Sometimes life’s emotional baggage can weigh a person down, distract them from a purpose and take away joy, peace of mind, and spiritual health. This can be defined as Clutter. These two words and their meanings are kin to each other. They are cousins that bring disorder and keep folks from making decisions.
I bring these two words to mind because I recently moved into a new living space and brought my cluttered mess with me. The stuff I thought I’ve gotten rid of in my last move only to find that I brought it with me. I thought that once I got organized and settled that I would clear it out. Well, that didn’t happen, and I’m still with this same clutter.
As I’m trying to rid myself of my clutter, the news media is making a lot of noise about the Nation’s cluttered and messy situations. There are scattered and disordered events that are reducing our effectiveness as a Nation. There are obstacles that are preventing us from moving forward as we are being pulled backwards. We must take the time and recognize our beliefs and hold on to them. Leaders sometimes make promises to get folks to go along with them and then create political chaos. Do not let their words clutter and mess up your mind.
Spiritually, we all need to get rid of the clutter that is causing us to worry and waste our precious time. The world is moving at a faster pace than it did in the 20th century. At the present time, there are challenges that we are facing, and most of all, we must not turn on each other and get caught up in this created clutter. To quote Proverbs 1:5 “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.”
In the meantime, do not clutter your personal life with hurt feelings; try to find the way to forgiveness. Do not let anger cause you to inflict pain on another person. You will not be at peace. Do not accept the first impression that someone gives of themselves because it might be a false one. It may cause you to become confused as you travel that road of deception. Do not let bad habits prevent you from having a healthy and better life. Do not let anyone prevent you from finding faith and joy in life. Do not let disappointments become discouraging roadblocks. There is always another time and place for fulfillment. Whatever is preventing you from moving from that cluttered and messy place, take the time to clean it out. You will feel better. It will bring you joy and spiritual health.
There is no need to hold onto clutter unless it holds precious memories for you. These things can be passed down through generations as remembrances that you once lived and loved.