Op Ed - Overcoming Fear of Quitting Tobacco

By Taylor Bowser, MPH, CHWC
Cessation Coordinator Tobacco Free Allen County
Have you thought about quitting tobacco for a long time but keep putting it off? Fear could be what’s standing in your way.
Fear is a powerful emotion that prompts us to protect ourselves when we feel vulnerable. Sometimes what we fear is outside of our awareness and disguises itself as hesitation, avoidance, resistance, or feeling stuck.
If you're afraid of quitting, you're not alone. Fear is a natural part of the process, but understanding the source of your fear(s) can help you to move forward. Four common reasons why you might delay quitting:
Fear of failure: Remember, quitting is a journey, not an event. You are more capable than you give yourself credit for!
Fear of withdrawal: It is temporary, and you can effectively manage your symptoms with quit medications. They really do work!
Fear of stress: It’s a common worry that quitting increases stress. Truth is, nicotine actually worsens stress and anxiety. Quit to improve your mental health!
Another fear may be that you’re giving up a piece of your life or identity. But when we remove tobacco from our lives, we make space for new experiences and a better quality of life.
With the right support, you can overcome these fears and quit once and for all. I encourage you to reach out to your doctor, loved ones, or a tobacco treatment program like Quit Now Indiana. They offer free coaching sessions and quit medications shipped to your doorstep. Call 1-800-Quit-Now or visit www.quitnowindiana.com today.