FWCS Safer Schools Political Action Committee
By Tabitha Ervin
FWIS Editorial Director
As a parent of a Fort Wayne Community School student, but also a leader in this community, I was invited to participate on the FWCS Safer Schools Political Action Committee.
The school board voted to put this on the ballot and this committee will lead the charge for support in our community for safer schools over the next several months until the vote on November 7. Safety is a large concern right now from universities to schools, malls, exercise facilities and every public place in our community.
With recent scares locally at Glenbrook mall as well as across the country this year alone, we can never be too careful.
As a parent of an elementary student, I cannot imagine receiving a phone call similar to calls many parents have received over the years when a mass shooting has occurred at their child’s school.
This safety and well-being referendum’s goal is to provide more proactive safety measures within all Fort Wayne Community School settings. A Community Safety Committee was created to make recommendations and included City and County law enforcement, judicial, ministers, mental health professionals, Fort Wayne United, Ten Point Coalition, FWCS Board members, Fort Wayne Education Association (FWEA) and community advocates.
The following are the recommendations:
- Additional school resource officers (SRO’s)
- Mental health therapists and student advocates for all schools
- Weapons detection systems for all secondary schools
- Enhanced security technology and equipment
- Additional security managers overseeing geographic zones
- Alive Community Outreach programs (Peacemakers) at all high schools.
Of course there are costs associated with the proposal and the costs will impact the taxes of homeowners in our community. I personally understand that taxes going up could be a challenge or frustration for those who may not support. However, when we consider the lives of our thousands of young people within the largest school district in the state; shouldn’t their lives be valuable enough that we will pay some additional money to cover this proposal to keep our children a little more safe in the current environment where mass shootings have become the norm. Of course as a parent of an elementary student I say yes, but would you the community consider joining myself and many others as we take the safety and care of our students to the next level by passing this referendum? My child’s life matters to me of course but the youth of tomorrow who are todays students collectively matter to me as well!
Please find specific information online at https://www.fwcs.k12.in.us/safer-schools or at the group Facebook page: SAFER FWCS.