Everything You Need To Know To Vote

By Tabitha Ervin
FWIS Editorial Director
As we approach another election, Besty Kachmar, President of the Fort Wayne Chapter of the League of Women Voters, shared some info for voters and those who want to register to educate themselves on the process, the candidates as well as some local events.
First to register or check your status go to: https://indianavoters.in.gov/
Check out this site for nonpartisan events and info:
Ongoing - YouthVote LWV presentations at Fort Wayne area high school government/economics classes. We provide a program during each class period that includes video, PowerPoint, interactive learning, stickers and registering eligible new voters. We registered over 300 students last semester! We would love to have youth council students help us make contact with schools we have not yet been to and reinforce our messaging.
Ongoing - Student-led voter registration/activation drive. Nothing is more effective than word of mouth from peers! A toolkit that includes a $150 gift card for completing the drive! LWVFW student member Maria Tan is trying to get as many Fort Wayne area schools as she can to participate.
How to Run a Voter Registration Drive - The Civic Center
Sept 7th, 1-4pm - Y Women Vote Get out the Vote Watch Party - https://ywcanein.org/vote/
Tentative be on the lookout for more info Sept 11th, 4-6pm - Youth Serving America 9-11 Day of Service. Remembering the fragility of our democracy by encouraging everyone to exercise their right to vote. Area high school seniors/new voter registration party at Homestead Park - music, prizes, food, info tables, activities.
Sept 17th - National Voter Registration Day - a good day to host events at schools and in the community to help people prepare to vote National Voter Registration Day. People can order materials or reach out to the League of Women voters.
Sept 28th, 9am-1pm -YLNI Lead the Vote - Barr Street Market - bands, info booths, speakers, giveaways.
This will also celebrate the launch of the candidate info on the LWV Vote411.org page. Just in time for early voting that starts after the last day to register to vote on Oct 7th.
October 24th - Vote by mail applications due - targeting college students away from home (here and elsewhere). High school students can help remind their older siblings and friends to have a voting plan - come back and vote here or request an absentee ballot.
October 29th -Vote Early Day - Early voting starts October 8th at Rousseau Center but the Satellite locations open on the 28th.
Celebrate Vote Early Day on October 29th, 2024
Nov 5th, 6am-6pm - Election Day your last day to vote!