From the family of Rev. Sam Shade, Jr. on 100+ years of life
A committed husband and father:
Shortly after relocating to Fort Wayne, believing the LORD for a good woman to marry, met and married the woman sent to you by GOD. Together, raised 8 children introducing us to the LORD making sure that the family will all spend eternity together with our Heavenly Father. You both in turn have passed on your spiritual teachings to us and us to our children to add them to the Kingdom. In your more than 100 years, you will leave a legacy of saved children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and son-in-laws and daughter-in-laws.
A faithful christian leader:
Upon accepting your call to the ministry, you have served the LORD for more than half your life, baptizing hundreds, marrying dozens, counseling countless numbers, and passing the joy of the LORD on to thousands through smiles, testimonies and conversations. Certain to hear the LORD’s voice saying “Well done, good and faithful servant. Thou have been faithful over a few things. Now, come up higher, and I will make you ruler over many.” Matthew 25:21
The smartest businessman, man of vision, and builder:
After receiving direction and plans from GOD to build a house of worship, you united the people of GOD to begin a savings and investment program to save more than half the cost to fund a multi-million dollar building project. With GOD’s help, you gained favor of bankers to secure the remainder of the funds to complete the building project. Through wise leadership, you lead the Church to pay off a multimillion-dollar 30-year mortgage in half the time normally needed.
So much accomplished over a lifetime. So blessed. So extraordinary a man.
To a great Servant of GOD, husband, and father, grandfather and great-grand-father, you have taught us how to live, love, and only when God says enough, you will show us how to leave here. So, until we are all only brothers and sisters in Christ in God’s kingdom, we love you and thank you. And, closing with your favorite words, “May the works I’ve done speak for me” they speak loudly to all who know and love you. We celebrate your long and extraordinary life with you.
All your family.