Foster Grandparents Program

By Tabitha Ervin
FWIS Editorial Director
I was able to connect recently with Danielle Lyons, Program Director for the local Foster GrandParents Program that falls under the AmeriCorps Seniors umbrella. The program is sponsored by Lutheran Life Villages of Fort Wayne and started in 1965 as one of the first twenty pilot programs in the United States.
Danielle leads the program with 51 volunteers throughout Allen County serving at Fort Wayne Community and East Allen COunty schools, childcare centers, Before and Afterschool programs, Study Connection, Boys and Girls Club, Headstart and the local Domestic Violence Centers.
Foster grandparents must be 55 or older and if they qualify will receive a stipend. There are no taxes on the stipend and it doesn’t count as income. The money is given through a federal Americorps grant. The program is sponsored by Lutheran Life Villages of Fort Wayne which is a requirement to have the program.
Many volunteers spend 15-30 hours per week in classrooms or other settings such as summer camps. They have been able to support youth in specific academic areas such as reading and they have seen their support grow in the area of social/emotional skills and basic interactions since the pandemic.
When speaking with Grandma Shirley, she said the following about her experience so far:
“I have been with the program for two as I moved from Washington DC a year ago and we did not have a program like this. I am blessed to be a part of this program that is great for retirees that still want to do something. I get to support kids who really need support and attention and I am delighted to do this. I bring my energy into the classroom and I have seen it change the kids' energy! And I love interacting with the students who don’t speak English. I can communicate through my actions- smiles, hugs and energy- and I see it brightens their day. I am meant to be here and I enjoy this time very much.
Under the Americorps Seniors umbrella there is in addition to the Foster Grandparents program, The Senior Companion program located in Auburn Indiana and the RSVP program through the local Volunteer Center.
For more information, please see the website FGPFW.ORG.
AmeriCorps Seniors website Information can be found on Facebook here: Fostergrandparentprogramfortwayne