On the Summit’s Horizon: 15th Annual Legacy & Clergy Breakfast

By Rev. Christopher W. Riley
FWIS Contributing Writer
The late great Fran Walker Grant who had the distinction of being the first African American TV News Reporter and Host of the Fran Walker Show is the visionary behind the Breakfast with the Clergy that started off small but grew to a record-breaking attendance of 300 before she passed the torch as Vice-President of the MLK Club, Inc.
Larry Gist is the current operations manager who is responsible for the day-to-day activities and coordinator of all programs. “The club is looking to recognize newer pastors if they are upholding the King Legacy. We pose the question, what are you doing in the community to go above and beyond the call of duty?”
“Because Dr. King was a preacher and pastor, it is most important to the MLK Club, Inc. to preserve King’s legacy among the clergy. As the new president, I look forward to continued engagement with the clergy of our community.” said, George Hicks, President.
“The MLK Club presented some great speakers that spoke on my Morehouse Brother’s philosophy. I feel it is essential to keep his words and spirit alive for generations to come because his work was not completed due to his untimely death. There is certainly more work for our community.” said, Young Adult Community Leader and Indiana Black Expo Board Member, Romeo Morris.
One of this year’s speakers was a young woman on fire for Christ, Minister Shenekia Wims. You can find her actively serving in the ministry at True Love Baptist Church where her father, Rev. Robert Bell (2010 Honoree) is the pastor. “I was surprised but humbled by the invitation to speak at this year’s Breakfast.” said, Wims.
Wims reflected on the legacy of Dr. King by stating that he did a lot in a short amount of time. He was very young when his life was tragically cut short. “His faith in God was a driving force to want to help his people. We have made significant strides but have a long way to go. My prayer is that we have someone who can rise to his stature as a leader. Do we have any Martin Luther King’s of the 21st Century?” said, Wims.
We must never give up according to Wims. “When we give up, we cancel the outcome of our destiny.”
Words of Wisdom from other speakers……………….
Mother Fannie Walker of Jerusalem Baptist Church-If you are a woman of history, you’ve had to endure some things. God uses all women regardless of race, creed or color. This is your season-embrace it.
Pastor Hue Guy of Star Bethel Baptist Church-“If we are going to be successful, we must be willing to work together.”
Miss Black Indiana Andrea Ford-“What do you want your legacy to be?” Ford is blazing a trail as a pageant winner who is beyond the typical age of her counterparts. She is 31 and was encouraged to pursue this opportunity by a friend. “I love being a part of history.” said, Ford.
In 2022 the MLK Club began to recognize Legacy Award Recipients. This year’s honorees included Councilwoman At-Large Michelle Chambers and the newly elected mayor, Sharon Tucker. The late great Mayor Thomas Christopher Henry was honored posthumously for his contributions to the Summit City. Mayor Henry was elected in 2008 and served until his passing on March 28, 2024. He was fondly known as the People’s Mayor. His notable achievements include the construction of the Martin Luther King and Veteran’s Memorial Bridges. He is also credited with Harrison Square, Promenade Park, Riverfront Development and Ash Skyline Plaza.
A callout was made to the audience to sign a petition renaming Calhoun Street to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Street. For more information about this initiative and the MLK Club’s upcoming events: MLK Club Inc. (mlkclubfw.com) (260)493-1534. mlkoperations2019@gmail.com.