In Touch: Choices At The Buffet Table

By Betty Miller Buttram
FWIS Contributing Writer
We all know about the Buffet Table. It is a place where we can eat as much as we want from the choices offered. Since breakfast, lunch and dinner are important food intake for our bodies and minds, let us, for the sake of simplicity, start with the Breakfast Buffet table. It is the most important food intake of the day that will boost our energy level and alertness.
At this table, we pick up the utensils, plates, and napkins and then began to make our choices. As we go down the line, there is ham, bacon, grits, potatoes, omelets, sausages, fruit, bread, a selection of cereals, yogurt, juice, coffee, tea, and anything else the provider has put on the table. The Breakfast Buffet Table does not have a centerpiece. It does not need one for the food takes up the surrounding space. But there is one table that does have a centerpiece. It is another table of choices.
This table is the Believers’ Buffet Table, and the centerpiece for this table is Trust. However, there are several choices on this table that are battling with Trust: Hate, Evil, Lies, Anger, Fear, Worry, Temptation and Doubt. These are the enemies of Trust; but Trust has its own soldiers—Truth, Faith, Hope, Love, Joy, Honor, Justice, and the good and mercy of God.
We do not need utensils, plates, or napkins for the Believers’ Buffet Table to battle the enemies of Trust for we have the Scriptures in our basket of choices. The Scriptures will boost our energy level and alertness to all the anger and bitter disagreement over America’s fundamental issues that are causing so much pain and suffering today. This has been a continual battle for thousands of years, the battle between Good and Evil.
While some of us are going on about our busyness and business, tune in sometimes to keep up with the happenings of this country and around the world.
This is your world, and you are in it today until God calls you home. Do not ignore the happenings now and complain later. It will be too late. You know what you must do. Just do it.It is your right and if you choose not to exercise that right, you might find yourself asking for a pass to the Believers’ Buffet Table.
There is scripture from Galatians 6:7-8— “Don’t be misled; remember that you can’t ignore God and get away with it; a man will always reap just the kind of crop he sows. If he sows to please his own wrong desires, he will be planting seeds of evil and he will surely reap a harvest of spiritual decay and death.”
Do not be misled. Do not ignore God. Stay away from the seeds of evil. There is the goodness and mercy of God always battling with Evil. Stay awake and focus.